Crazy by Amy Reed

Sunday 9 March 2014
Crazy, by Amy Reed
Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Suicide
Rating: 4/5 stars

  • I'm not going to lie, this was a suicidal/chick-lit/romance novel. You'd think that it's just a contemporary book, but its meaning and the romance goes way farther than that. I mean, it could happen in reality, but the genre was way farther out.
  • Amy Reed is a spectacular writer. Writing through emails is something difficult to do, especially because you can't give out all of the details through one email. She knew exactly when to add something in, and you'd end up shocked because of the outcome.
  • The romance was perfect. Izzy and Connor were adorable together and I loved the love-hate relationship that they had going on, and how through everything, they had each other. They were two peas in a pod, and they were the only people who could make each other feel like they were worth living for.
  • The ending happened so fast, not how I liked it to be. It wasn't surprising. We all expected this to happen and it did, and then everyone at the end recovers, bam. No epilogue no after the whole story. Just like that. *snaps*
  • This was a great book, I just needed more dazzle dazzle.

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